contact your elected officials!
protect your rights
Elected officials are under great pressure to "do something about guns". As sportsmen, club members, and law abiding gun owners, it is critically important we make ourselves known and have our voices heard.
Contact your representatives, let them know you are a law abiding citizen and you are not OK with misguided legislation which infringes upon your Constitutional Right to Bear Arms OR pursue the safe and responsible possession and use of firearms. Tell them you are a member of a club and remind them we all share these concerns and we all vote. Ask them if they are proposing or backing any legislation related to firearms. If so, what? Tell them what you think about it!
The maps below show NY Senate, NY Assembly, and U.S. Congress districts



contact Info:
Senate District 43
Jacob (Jake) Ashby
Legislative Office Bldg Room 517
Albany, NY 12247
(518) 455 - 2381
Assembly District 107
Scott Bendett
LOB 324
Albany, NY 12248
Congressional District 21
Elise Stefanik
East Greenbush Office
99 Troy Road
Suite 312
East Greenbush, NY 12061
(518) 242-4707
Senate District 44
James Tedisco
Legislative Office Bldg Room 515
Albany, NY 12247
Assembly District 108
John T. McDonald, III
Legislative Office Bldg Room 417
Albany, NY 12248
(518) 455 - 4474
Congressional District 20
Paul Tonko
19 Dove Street, Suite 302
Albany, NY 12210
(518) 465-0700
Senate District 46
Neil Breslin
172 State St, Capitol Bldg
Room 430 CAP
Albany, NY 12247
(518) 455 - 2225
Senate District 49
Legislative Office Bldg Room 302
Albany, NY 12247
Assembly District 109
Patricai (Pat) Fahy
Legislative Office Bldg Room 417
Albany, NY 12248
(518) 455 - 4474
Assembly District 110
Phil Steck
Legislative Office Bldg Rm 627
Albany, NY 12248
Assembly District 112
Mary Beth Walsh
Legislative Office Bldg Room 635
Albany, NY 12248
(518) 455 - 5772
US Senate
Charles Schumer
Leo O'Brien Building, Room 827
Albany, NY 12207
Phone: (518) 431-4070
Kirsten Gillibrand
Leo O'Brien Building, Room 821
Albany, NY 12207
Tel. (518) 431-0120
NY Governor
Kathy Hochul
Executive Chamber
NYS Capitol Bldg
Albany, NY 12224
(518) 474-8390
Assembly District 113
Carrie Woerner
Legislative Office Bldg Room 502
Albany, NY 12248
(518) 455 - 5404